Command Line Users Guide

malstroem’s command line is a single program named malstroem which has a number og subcommands. Each subcommand exposes a malstroem process.

Available subcommands can be seen by invoking malstroem --help

$ malstroem --help
Usage: malstroem [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Calculate simple hydrologic models.

  To create rainfall scenarios use either the sub command 'complete' or the
  following sequence of sub command calls: filled, depths, flowdir, bspots,
  wsheds, pourpts, network, rain.

  To get help for a sub command use: malstroem subcommand --help

  malstroem complete -r 10 -r 30 -filter "volume > 2.5" -dem dem.tif -outdir ./outdir/
  malstroem filled -dem dem.tif -out filled.tif

  --version            Show the version and exit.
  -v, --verbosity LVL  Either CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO or DEBUG
  --help               Show this message and exit.

  accum     Calculate accumulated flow.
  bspots    Label bluespots.
  complete  Quick option to complete process.
  depths    Calculate bluespot depths.
  filled    Create a filled (depressionless) DEM.
  flowdir   Calculate surface water flow directions.
  network   Calculate stream network between bluespots.
  pourpts   Determine pour points.
  rain      Calculate bluespot fill and spill volumes for...
  wsheds    Calculate bluespot watersheds.

Help for a given subcommand is available by invoking malstroem subcommand --help. For example:

$ malstroem accum --help
Usage: malstroem accum [OPTIONS]

  Calculate accumulated flow.

  The value in an output cell is the total number of cells upstream of that
  cell. To get the upstream area multiply with cell size.

  -flowdir PATH        Flow direction file  [required]
  -out PATH            Output file (accumulated flow)  [required]
  -v, --verbosity LVL  Either CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO or DEBUG
  --help               Show this message and exit.

General considerations

malstroem makes the following assumptions regarding the input

  • DEM horisontal and vertical units are meters.
  • All subsequent processing steps assume input data as output by the former processing step of malstroem.

malstroems generally does not do very much checking that input makes sense together.

Vector output options

malstroem uses OGR for writing vector data. Output vector data can be tweaked using OGR specific parameters format, lco, and dsco.

Example writing to GeoPackage format from malstroem pourpts:

$ malstroem pourpts -bluespots bluespots.tif -depths depths.tif -watersheds wsheds.tif -dem dem.tif -format gpkg -out dbfile.gpkg -layername pourpoints

For documentation of OGR features see the documentation of OGR formats.

Raster output options

malstroem uses GDAL for writing raster data. All raster data are written in GeoTiff format.

malstroem complete

The complete subcommand gives you fast-track processing from input DEM to output rain incidents including most intermediate datasets. It basically collects the subcommands filled, depths, flowdir, accum, bspots, wsheds, pourpts, network and rain into one single subcommand. See these subcommands to learn more about what happens or see Complete chain of processes.

  • dem is a raster digital elevation model. Both horisontal and vertical units must be meters.
  • r or rain One or more rain incidents to calculate. In mm. -r value can be specified multiple times.
  • If accum is specified the accumulated flow is calculated. This takes some time and is not strictly required.
  • If vector is specified the bluespots and watersheds are vectorized. This takes some time and is not required.
  • filter allows ignoring bluespots based on their area, maximum depth and volume. Format: area > 20.5 and (maxdepth > 0.05 or volume > 2.5). Bluespots that do not pass the filter are ignored in all subsequent calculations. For instance their capacity is not taken into account.
  • outdir is the path to the output directory where all output files are written. This directory must exist and be empty.


$ malstroem complete -r 10 -r 30 -filter "volume > 2.5" -dem dem.tif -outdir ./outdir/

malstroem filled

The filled subcommand creates a filled (depressionless) DEM.

In a depressionless terrain model each cell will have at least one non-uphill path to the raster edge. This means that a depressionless terrain model will have flat areas where it has been filled.

  • dem is a raster digital elevation model. Both horisontal and vertical units must be meters.
  • The filled DEM to a new raster


$ malstroem filled -dem dem.tif -out filled.tif

malstroem depths

The depths subcommand calculates bluespot depths.

Depths are calculated by subtracting the original DEM from the filled DEM

  • dem is the raster digital elevation model.
  • filled is the filled version of the input DEM.
  • A new raster with the bluespot depth in each cell. Cells not in a bluespot will have the value 0.


$ malstroem depths -dem dem.tif -filled filled.tif -out depths.tif

malstroem flowdir

The flowdir subcommand calculates surface water flow directions.

This is a two step process:

Step 1:
Fill depressions in the DEM in a way which preserves a downward slope along the flow path. This is done by requiring a (very) small minimum slope between cells. This results in flow over filled areas being routed to the nearest pour point.
Step 2:
Flow directions for each cell. Uses a D8 flow routing algorithm: At each cell the slope to each of the 8 neighboring cells is calculated. The flow is routed to the cell which has the steepest slope. If multiple cells share the same maximum slope the algorithm picks one of these cells.

Flow direction from a cell is encoded: Up=0, UpRight=1, …, UpLeft=7, NoDirection=8

  • dem is the raster digital elevation model.
  • A new raster where the flow direction from each cell is encoded.


$ malstroem depths -dem dem.tif -out flowdir.tif

malstroem accum

The subcommand accum calculates accumulated flow.

The value in an output cell is the total number of cells upstream of that cell.

  • flowdir is the flow direction raster.
  • A raster where the value in each cell is the number of cells upstream of that cell.


$ malstroem accum -flowdir flowdir.tif -out out.tif

malstroem bspots

The bspots subcommand identifies and labels all cells belonging to each bluespot with a unique bluespot ID.


  • The unique ID is an integer in the range from 1 to the number of bluespots in the dataset. So bluespot IDs are NOT unique across different datasets.
  • IDs are not necessarily assigned the same way between different runs on the same dataset.
  • The ID 0 (zero) is used for cells which do not belong to a bluespot.

Bluespots with certain properties can be ignored by specifying a filter expression. Available properties are

maxdepth which is the maximum depth of the bluespot. area which is the area of the bluespot in m2. volume which is the bluespot volume (or water capacity) in m3.

Allowed operators are <, >, ==, !=, >=, <=, and and or. Parenthises can be used to make the expression more readable.

An example of a valid filter:

maxdepth > 0.05 and (area > 20 or volume > 0.5)


  • Bluespots that do not pass the filter are ignored in all subsequent calculations. For instance their capacity is not taken into account.
  • depths is a raster with bluespot depths
  • filter allows ignoring bluespots based on their area, maximum depth and volume. Format: area > 20.5 and (maxdepth > 0.05 or volume > 2.5). Bluespots that do not pass the filter are ignored in all subsequent calculations. For instance their capacity is not taken into account.`
  • A raster with bluespot IDs. The ID 0 (zero) is used for cells which do not belong to a bluespot.


$ malstroem bspots -depths depths.tif -filter "maxdepth > 0.05 and (area > 20 or volume > 0.5)" -out bluespots.tif

malstroem wsheds

The subcommand wsheds determines the local watershed of each bluespot.

All cells in the local watershed is assigned the bluespot ID.

  • bluespots is the bluespot ID raster.
  • flowdir is the flow direction raster.
  • A raster with bluespot watersheds identified by bluespot ID.


$ malstroem wshed -bluespots bluespots.tif -flowdir flowdir.tif -out wsheds.tif

malstroem pourpts

The pourpts subcommand determines a pour point for each bluespot.

A pour point is the point where water leaves the blue spot when it is filled to its maximum capacity.

Pour point are determined using one of two methods:

  • Random candidate. Requires DEM only
  • Maximum accumulated flow candidate. Requires accumulated flow

The output of the two methods only differ when there are more than one pour point candidate (ie multiple threshold cells with identical Z for a given bluespot).

  • bluespots is the bluespot ID raster.
  • depths is a raster with bluespot depths.
  • watersheds is a raster with local bluespot watershed identified by bluespot IDs.
  • dem the DEM. Only required if accum is not used.
  • accum accumulated flow raster. Required if dem is not used.
  • out output OGR datasource.
  • layername name of output vector layer within the output datasource.
  • Vector Point layer with pour points.
Pour point attributes
Attribute Name Description
bspot_id Bluespot ID
bspot_area Bluespot area in m2
bspot_vol Bluespot volume (or capacity) in m3
bspot_dmax Maximum depth of the bluespot
bspot_fumm Rain needed to fill up this bluespot with water from local watershed only. In mm.
wshed_area Area of local bluespot watershed. In m2.
cell_row Raster row index of pour point location
cell_col Raster column index of pour point location


$ malstroem pourpts -bluespots bluespots.tif -depths depths.tif -watersheds wsheds.tif -dem dem.tif -out shpdir/ -layername pourpoints

malstroem network

The subcommand network calculates the stream network between bluespots.

Streams are traced from the pour point of each bluespot using the flow directions raster.

A stream ends:
  • when it first enters the next downstream bluespot.
  • when it merges with another stream

When two or more streams merge a new node of type junction is inserted and a new stream is traced downstream from the node.

Streams stop at the border of the bluespot because routing within the bluespot will otherwise happen on a synthetic surface sloping towards the pour point. This has nothing to do with the real flow of the water.

  • bluespots bluespots ID raster.
  • flowdir flow direction raster.
  • pourpoints OGR vector datasource with pour points.
  • pourpoints_layer layer name within pourpoints datasource. Needed when datasource can have multiple layers (eg. a database).
  • out output OGR datasource.
  • out_nodes_layer layer name for output nodes layer within the output datasource.
  • out_streams_layer layer name for output streams layer within the output datasource
  • Nodes vector Point layer establishing a network
  • Streams vector LineString layer
Nodes attributes
Attribute Name Description
nodeid Integer ID for each node.
nodetype pourpoint or junction.
dstrnodeid nodeid of the next downstream node.
bspot_id Bluespot ID. NULL for nodes of type junction.
bspot_area Bluespot area in m2. 0 (zero) for nodes of type junction.
bspot_vol Bluespot volume (or capacity) in m3. 0 (zero) for nodes of type junction.
wshed_area Area of local bluespot watershed. In m2. 0 (zero) for nodes of type junction.
cell_row Raster row index of pour point location
cell_col Raster column index of pour point location
Streams attributes
Attribute Name Description
nodeid Integer ID for starting node of the stream.
dstrnodeid nodeid of the next downstream node.


  • As streams end at the border of the downstream bluespot they do not form a complete geometric network.
  • The network can be established by using the nodeid and dstrnodeid attributes.


$ malstroem network -bluespots bluespots.tif -flowdir flowdir.tif -pourpoints shpdir/pourpoints.shp -out shpdir/ -out_nodes_layer nodes -out_streams_layer streams

malstroem rain

The subcommand rain calculates bluespot fill and spill volumes for specific rain events.

For each rain event bluespot fill and spill volumes are calculated for all nodes and spill is propagated downstream.

  • nodes OGR datasource containing nodes layer.
  • nodes_layer layer name within nodes datasource. Needed when datasource can have multiple layers (eg. a database).
  • r or rain is a rain incident in mm. Note that multiple rain incidents can be calculated at once by repeating the ‘-r’ option.
  • out output OGR datasource.
  • out_layer layer name for output layer within the output datasource.
  • Events Point layer where fill and spill has been calculated for all nodes
Events attributes
Attribute Name Description
nodeid Integer ID for each node.
nodetype pourpoint or junction.
dstrnodeid nodeid of the next downstream node.
bspot_id Bluespot ID. NULL for nodes of type junction.
bspot_area Bluespot area in m2. 0 (zero) for nodes of type junction.
bspot_vol Bluespot volume (or capacity) in m3. 0 (zero) for nodes of type junction.
wshed_area Area of local bluespot watershed. In m2. 0 (zero) for nodes of type junction.
cell_row Raster row index of pour point location
cell_col Raster column index of pour point location
Events attributes repeated for each rain event of xx mm
Attribute Name Description
rainv_xx Volume of rain falling on the local watershed. In m3.
v_xx Volume of water in the bluespot. (Sum of water falling on local watershed and water flowing in from upstream). In m3.
pctv_xx Percentage of bluespot volume (capacity) filled.
spillv_xx Volume of water spilled downstream from the bluespot. In m3.


$ malstroem rain -nodes shpdir/ -nodes_layer nodes -r 10 -r 20 -out shpdir/ -out_layer nodes

Complete chain of processes

The complete process from DEM to fill and spill volumes for a rain event can be calculated with the malstroem complete subcommand (see malstroem complete). If you need greater control than offered by this command, you need to do the processing in steps using the other subcommands.

The below series of process calls will produce the same results as malstroem complete:

$ malstroem filled -dem dem.tif -out filled.tif
$ malstroem depths -dem dem.tif -filled filled.tif -out depths.tif
$ malstroem flowdir -dem dem.tif -out flowdir.tif
$ malstroem accum -flowdir flowdir.tif -out accum.tif
$ malstroem bspots -filter "maxdepth > 0.05 and (area > 20 or volume > 0.5)" -depths depths.tif -out bspots.tif
$ malstroem wsheds -bluespots bspots.tif -flowdir flowdir.tif -out wsheds.tif
$ malstroem pourpts -bluespots bspots.tif -depths depths.tif -watersheds wsheds.tif -dem dem.tif -out shpdir/
$ malstroem network -bluespots bspots.tif -flowdir flowdir.tif -pourpoints shpdir/ -out shpdir
$ malstroem rain -nodes shpdir/ -r 10 -r 20 -out shpdir/

This workflow utilizes default OGR output format and layer names. Both formats and layer names can be controlled by parameters.